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PHHI Coordinating Session at Extension Conference (Nov. 4, 2013)

Justin Moore, Extension communications specialist with the Plants for Human Health Institute, is coordinating a comprehensive communications training session during the 2013 North Carolina Cooperative Extension Conference. The three-hour session, Extension Communications: A Comprehensive Discussion to Help You Build Our Brand, Maximize Your Program and Cultivate Key Dialogues, takes place on November 4, 2013, from 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. in the McKimmon Center on the campus of N.C. State University in Raleigh.

In addition to Moore, communication and Extension professionals from N.C. State and N.C. A&T State universities will educate attendees on a broad range of topics, from writing web content and working with news media to social media tools and Extension branding and marketing.

event description

“You can’t not communicate. Everything you say and do or don’t say and don’t do sends a message to others,” (author unknown). Communications regularly tops the list of training topics most requested by agents, so this session will address four significant aspects of communications for the Extension professional, with each presentation and discussion taking approximately 45 minutes.

This comprehensive communication session is designed to benefit agents and specialists from across the state, whether or not they are the primary communicator in a department/center. Laptops, tablets and mobile devices are encouraged, but are not required to participate.

Topics will include:

1:30-2:15: Using Social Media to Support Your Extension Program (*Panel Discussion)

2:15-3:00: Maximizing News on Your Extension Website

3:00-3:45: National Extension Initiative: Be a Brand Ambassador

3:45-4:30: Media Relations & Outreach: The Next Level

A short break will be provided after the Maximizing News on Your Extension Website presentation. The schedule is ambitious for the amount of content being discussed, but presenters will field Q&A as best as possible.

  • Dr. Hannah Burrack (Department of Entomology, IPM in Field & Horticultural Crops, NCSU)
  • Stephen Charles (Web Developer, NC A&T)
  • Natalie Hampton (CALS Communications, NCSU)
  • Cathy Gant Hill (Communications Specialist, NC A&T)
  • Cameron Lowe (Currituck County Extension Director, NCSU)
  • Scott McCollum (Extension Information Technology, NCSU)
  • Justin Moore (Extension Communications, Plants for Human Health Institute, NCSU)
  • Suzanne Stanard (News Editor, CALS Communications, NCSU)